Make a team
act as one

What if you could lead
an organization where
plans are executed

Nowadays, organizations are decentralizing authority, moving towards a customer-centric approach through highly empowered teams. Digital transformation and multi-party ecosystems are increasing the complexity. In this context, the main challenge for teams remains strategy execution.

Roughly 70% of these transformation efforts fail: employees struggle to focus on the right priorities, fail to act in alignment with strategic objectives, and do not engage with the CEO’s vision. Often, employees fail to recognize the sense of urgency for change, while leaders do not invest enough in critical skills, capabilities and behavior.

"It is amazing what can be accomplished
when nobody cares about who gets the credit"

Robert Yates

What if you could lead
an organization where
teams act as one and
people can work together

Based on our experience, areas for improvement are related to trust, team dynamics, transparency, communication and commitment.
Emotional and psychological factors are often neglected in the strategic process but have a major impact on the company’s performance since strategy deals with people.

HIF interventions start by exploring the root causes of the observed behavior and integrating a solid business perspective with a systemic approach.